Fri, 10 Feb 2017 23:02:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 207539943 Rep. Collier wants DOJ to investigate suspended Fort Worth officer Mon, 16 Jan 2017 17:50:54 +0000

FORT WORTH – State Rep. Nicole Collier, D-Fort Worth, said she thinks the U.S. Department of Justice should investigate the Fort Worth police officer who got suspended for ten days after escalating a situation and arresting a black woman who originally called for help.

“I look forward to seeing what the community can do to rectify the situation. Perhaps we can even have a Department of Justice investigation into this,” said Collier.

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Taking the Oath for a 3rd Term Tue, 10 Jan 2017 17:00:29 +0000

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Star-Telegram: Send these legislative stars back to Austin Thu, 20 Oct 2016 22:55:19 +0000

House District 95, Democrat Nicole Collier — Elected in 2012, Collier represents downtown Fort Worth, areas south and east of downtown and the cities of Forest Hill and Everman. She passed bills last year on low-income housing tax credits and changes to certain transportation authorities.

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84th Budget Things to Note Sat, 10 Oct 2015 22:49:13 +0000

The State budget is the only piece of legislation required to pass in every legislative session, the biennial budget for 2016-2017 was over $200 billion dollars.

Teacher Retirement System
The State added $768 million to protect healthcare for retirees, active school employees, and school districts.

Public Education
Despite adding over $1.5 billion to public education, we are still well below the 2009 spending levels per student.

The budget provides $130 million for Pre-K grant programs to be distributed to needy districts around the State.

SJR 5 will be on the ballot this November (Amendment 7) which, if successful, will add $2.5 billion to the construction of new transportation funding.  This fund will include construction, maintenance and acquisition of new rights of way of NON-toll facilities.

The budget will also ensure that moneys collected from gas and road taxes will go only to transportation projects.

Border Security
The budget provides $840 million for border security operations including the hiring of over 250 DPS troopers.

Tax Relief
SB 1 provides property tax relief by increasing the homestead exemption from $15,000 to $25,000 a year.  While this reduction in property taxes will be at the School District level, protections will be in place for those Districts so as not to lose revenue.

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“What Happened?” Bills Passed in the 84th Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:00:55 +0000

Here are important pieces of legislation (good and bad) that were passed by the 84th Legislature. These bills are in effect now unless otherwise noted.

House Bill 40 – Preempts local law with the State assuming oversight over oil and gas operations, only allowing municipalities to regulate certain activities of oil and gas operations.

House Bill 158 – requires law enforcement agencies that receive grants for the provision of body worn cameras for its peace officers or that otherwise operate a body worn camera program to adopt a policy for the use of body worn cameras and creates a grant program to help offset the cost of the cameras.

House Bill 339 – Allows dispensation of low-THC cannabis for treatment of Texans with severe epilepsy.

House Bill 910 – Authorizes individuals to obtain a license to openly carry a holstered handgun in all places that allow the licensed carrying of a concealed handgun. Effective January 1, 2016.

Senate Bill 189 – Protects holders of personal automobile insurance by preventing insurance companies from raising their rates or cancelling their policies if the policy holder asks a question about his/her coverage.

House Bill 2398 – Repeals the criminal offense of truancy. Provides a defense for claims against a parent.Establishes truancy prevention measures, judicial donation trust funds, a new truancy court, and automatic expunction of truancy offenses.

House Bill 2588 – Nursing homes and assisted living facilities that provide specialized care and treatment to residents with Alzheimer’s and related disorders are required to disclose if their facility is certified for that type of care.

House Bill 2646 – Allows local health departments to inform first responders if they are providing services to people with certain highly contagious communicable diseases.

Senate Bill 1 – Provides property tax relief by increasing the homestead exemption for school taxes, from $15,000 to $25,000 a year. Also adds protections to those school districts from any loss in revenue as a result of this relief. Effective immediately if SJR 1 is approved by voters on November 3, 2015.

Senate Bill 11 – Authorizes concealed carry of handguns on public and private institutions of higher education. Private institutions may opt out upon consultation with students, staff, and faculty members. Effective August 1, 2016.

Senate Bill 97 – Prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes and vapor products to minors.

Senate Bill 507 – Provides special needs children with the opportunity for additional protection by placing cameras in certain classrooms.

Senate Bill 550 – Adds dental insurance to the non-custodial parents child support obligation and is enforceable by the same means available to the enforcement of child support if it can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Effective September 1, 2018.

Senate Bill 1735 – Changes the residency requirement for benefits under the Hazlewood Act. Certain military personnel and their dependents must be Texas residents for the previous eight years before the first class date of the semester.

Senate Joint Resolution 5 – Beginning in 2018, this constitutional amendment would dedicate $2.5 billion from the state sales tax to the state highway fund. Beginning in 2020, it would dedicate 35% of motor vehicle tax revenues that exceed $5 billion to the state highway fund. Effective if approved by voters on November 3, 2015.

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The 84th Legislative Report Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:00:56 +0000

HD 95 Day at the Capitol on February 26, 2015 was a chance for residents to know the legislative process and learn first-hand what their Representative does for them.

“I was so happy to visit with dozens of constituents at the Capitol during this past session. Your input is not only welcomed but vital to our legislative agenda. Be sure to make plans to join me next session in Austin. I provide the charter bus, food and tours. You provide your valuable input on how we can improve our State government!”

Collier in Action

These are just some of the bills filled and passed by Representative Collier.

Animal Encounter Training – HB593
District 95 constituents, Cindy and Mark Boling, lost their border collie at the hands of a well-meaning police officer who was at the wrong house. Peace officers encounter canines in over one third of their calls. HB 593 creates a 4 hour, animal encounter training course for newly licensed peace officers or those seeking advanced certification.

Wages for Injured Workers – HB1607
Increases the temporary income benefits (TIB’s) for injured workers by 25%. By working with Senator Kevin Eltife and the Office of Injured Employee Counsel (OIEC), wages for injured workers under the Texas Workers’ Compensation program were increased. This bill was signed by the Governor and passed as Senate Bill 901 and represents the first such increase in over 20 years.

Transportation – HB3777
This bill adjusts the population threshold to keep oversight of the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (“The T”) in Tarrant County instead of moving it to Dallas County, increases the board membership and has the ability to strengthen access to transportation across Tarrant County.

Juneteenth License Plate – HB3610
Directs the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a Juneteenth specialty license plate in honor of the 150th anniversary of this State holiday. Proceeds from the sales of the license plate will be donated to Unity Unlimited Inc., a local non-profit organization, for the purpose of promoting the celebration of Juneteenth in Texas.

Affordable Housing – HB3535
This bill will provide much needed housing and development credits for revitalization projects in low-income housing areas. The effects of this legislation are intended to create affordable housing, jobs and economic growth in District 95.

Continuation of Medicaid and CHIP – HB839
Allows for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid benefits to be suspended, rather than terminated while a juvenile is temporarily confined in a detention center. This bill will help prevent gaps in medical coverage by promptly reinstating the medical benefits the child was already receiving.

Mental Health Check – HB1083
Requires the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to conduct a mental health assessment of a mentally ill inmate before they are placed in solitary confinement.

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